Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cattle Decapitation: Karma.Bloody.Karma Review

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Title: Karma.Bloody.Karma

Artist: Cattle Decapitation

Label: Metalblade (

Artist Site:

Rating: 3.9/5

Cattle Decapitation are well on their way to becoming a household name for Death Metal fans, especially with 2006’s Karma.Bloody.Karma under their belts. Josh Elmore is quite the guitarist, Troy Oftedal plays bass, Travis Ryan does incredible vocals, and long time drummer Michael Laughlin helps mold it all together.

Starting things off with a typical Death Metal intro, that includes typical Death Metal growls and whatnot, they quickly jump into “Unintelligent Design” and “Success is…(Hanging by the Neck)” two defining highlights of this album.

Rushing into a nice technical one-minute song “One Thousand Times Decapitated” which shoots into “The Carcass Derrick” a pretty basic Death/Grind song.

Next comes “Total Gore?” this song is more technical Death/Grind Metal, it may not be original but it is done well! Using their deep screams in the back ground for atmosphere, and awesome guitar work! “Bereavement” comes in, and being less than two minutes long, quickly takes off into a all out assault going straight to “Suspended In Coprolite”

“Suspended In Coprolite” is one of the beast tracks to get the progress and intensity Cattle Decapitation have improved for quite some time now, and the little melodic parts are quite a refreshment until your hit up side the head with their usual assault. “Alone At The Landfill” shoots in with a soothing intro (well as soothing as Death Metal is concerned). This is one of their more abstract songs, not as neck breaking as its predecessors, yet not melodic. And at about the 3:50 mark, is completely consumed by what you’d expect a Black Metal band to do! With screeching yells chanting “Hideous, Shameless, Toxicant. Goddammed desolate” till the song comes to a stop. And trust me, if you played this at Halloween, people would be pissing their pants!

Coming back with the technical Death/Grind, is the title track “Karma.Bloody.Karma”. That, at about half way through the song, comes in with some screams that sound like something right off a Burzum record. Starting things off lightly again is “The New Dawn”, and soon enough, cookie monster war growls are screamed over the lightly distorted guitars and bass. The harmonics go great with the vocals, but it isn’t any In Flames melodies, this song has just as much Death and Grind riffs as any other song on this album.

And, ending the album is a greatly titled track, “Of Human Pride & Flatulence”; this song continues what the end of “Alone At The Landfill” started. Another song to put on your Halloween playlist.

All and all Karma.Bloody.Karma, is a great pick up for any Death/Grind fan. While Cattle Decapitation turns off most people due to the fact that all their lyrics are a reflection of the bands vegetarian ideals, I, and I hope many of you! Am opened minded. Not only do I eat meat, but I also hunt, and just because a band sings about the “evils” of killing animals, doesn’t mean I’m not going to listen to them. Carcass is a great example! Most, if not all of the members were vegetarians, and I think a few were vegan.

So if you feel so inclined and like good Death/Grind, I suggest you pick up Cattle Decapitation’s new album Karma.Bloody.Karma.

Toxic Tunes (best songs on the album): “Unintelligent Design”, “Success is…(Hanging by the Neck)”, “Suspended In Coprolite”, “Alone At The Landfill” and “The New Dawn”

Track List
Unintelligent Design
Success Is...(Hanging By The Neck)
One Thousand Times Decapitation
The Carcass Derrick
Total Gore?
Suspended In Coprolite
Alone At The Landfill
The New DawnOf Human Pride & Flatulence

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